Yet Follow

I had sought Your face
And You said "follow Me"
I searched your ways
"Come here," you called
Understanding - lacking
Yet I trust You

Unknown paths
Laid before me
This is not logic!
It makes no sense!
But for unknown Truth
I follow anyway

For my feet, You guide
And my words, lift high
And all that You are
Proclaim in the streets
No choice but to trust
In your righteous ways

Mine own have laid barren
No Truth nor Wisdom
So I lay to rest
Such folly of man
And cast aside
Such petty idols

For the Truth is here
And the captives of man
Set free for praise
For Your days draw near
And Your ways incomplete
And so, I follow thee

Your word I trust
Your ways divine
Though I do not know
And yet I yield
To my Lord
I commit my life

No fear for comfort
No fear for warmth
No fear for nurture
No fear for food
For the Lord has forgiven
And hears my cries

His paths He prepares
A place, made for me
And guides He gives us
Though we do not see

So stand STRONG in your faith
And you will not falter
Just give up your life
Lay your pride on the alter

For He gave us life
On the cross abundantly
And my life means nothing
Aside from my Lord

And so I follow
In His truth and grace

And so He leads me
In His mighty ways

No worry I face
For I know His ways
In the desperate days
In His arms I lay
And to you I say
Just trust and obey

(©Brian Smith 9/29/2001)

"For I know the purposes which I am purposing for you, says the LORD; purposes of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." (Jeremiah 29:11 MKJV)