Awaiting His Will

How to deny such a beauty
A criminal offense
Such a beautiful woman
In mind and what matters

Designed with great curves
To compliment such things
She holds my mind captive
With much intriguing things

A frozen pixel gaze
Pining my time gladly
Her textual touch embracing
My attention every day

To Patience I'm called
To rest in the Way
Enjoy the journey
I must do this day

So I extend my heart
And do gladly take hers
We wait for His Word
And His blessings for us

For a day will come
His plan made clear
To the obediant two
Who have drawn near

Destination is known
With all certainty
But lessons await us
Before He says, "Go"

So I await for my beauty
My precious so dear
And learn from the Teacher
As He leads us here

(©Brian Smith 5/21/2002)