Disputed Coin

A coin of two sides
One way or another
Many perspectives
And Points of view

Different people
See things distinctly
One sees red
The other green

Varying approaches
Curious notions
Diverse dispositions
Pensive musings

One says upward
Two bellows right
Three demands out
Four declares war

Folly follows
Nonsense abounds
Idiots assume
And fools run in

For they do not seek
Wisdom is denied
Refusing understanding
For their minds - blinded

Assuming none greater
Than precious self
Only one side perceived
The second must not be

Yet a coin has two sides
But they disclaim it still
While they do not seek
They will not discover

Their self pride secludes
Disputing reality
Failure will follow
And death will come

Yet truth found in the Lord
Who is here - with us
While serving His own
He awaits to be called

The Evil fears Truth
Darkness fears Light
The battle continues
The Victor plans triumph

There is more than we see
In the world where we live
And much to distinguish
Both the good and the bad

So seek substance
Veracity unfurled
And side with the Master
For the Truth prevails

(©Brian Smith 12/29/2001)