Reaching For Substance

My hand reaching out
To times of laughter
Times of living
Times of song
Times of friendship
Friends by my side
Do I show my struggles
Or the pains I hide
Hiding behind inability
Unable to say what I think
What I want
Wanting to have it be my way
Forgetting of His Higher Ways

Reaching for hope
Hope of the absurd
Hope of unexpected
Unexpected victories
Victory of substance
Substance of discussions
Substance of life
Life found in closeness
Closeness of friends
Side by side
Sharing laughter
Sharing troubles
Sharing pains
Sharing life
Lives of heartaches
And disappointments
Just a group of freaks
Freaks united
United in spirit
United in cause
The cause is Christ
The Spirit of God
Serving & Learning
Together we stand
Moments of falling
We strengthen the weak
We want to understand
Understand the Truth
The Truths of life
Cutting through lies
Lies of society
That try to crush us
But the shield of Christ
He saves our souls
Protecting from evil
I follow Him
Way, Truth, & Life
In whom I overcome
All that opposes

(©Brian Smith 3/25/2001)