Music To Me

Notes of Beauty
Notes of Caring
Notes of Faith
Notes of Grace
Notes of Joy
Notes of Laughter
Notes of Music
Notes of Peace
Notes of Shared likes
Notes of Silliness
Notes of Understanding

Notes of Beauty
A pretty face
A look of sweetness
And graceful lines

Notes of Caring
Of the world
And of the lost
Caring for others
Who do not care for her
Caring for me
Of my health
And who I am

Notes of Faith
Such strength in God
Such a longing to learn
Of His ways and His love
Such faith in His power
To do all and more
Such a desire to follow
And do His will

Notes of Grace
That understand my past
Such charm
That floods my senses
Kindness and courtesy
Seem to never cease
So considerate
And thoughtful

Notes of Joy
Delightful and happy
Enjoying the fun in life
Evoking smiles in others

Notes of Laughter
Joking and kidding
Laughing and loving
Every moment of love

Notes of Music
To my ears
Jazz sounds entrancing
My mind trips blue
Classical and contemporary
Soothing the air
Singing for the Lord
Songs of serving

Notes of Peace
Of decided ease
And loving embrace
Comfort me

Notes of Shared likes
So MUCH in common
Many likes the same
Lifestyles shared
Similar styles
Of progression in life

Notes of silliness
A laugh and a giggle
Moments of madness
And tickling til tuckered

Notes of Understanding
Of past, present, and to come
Of who I am and what I mean
Of knowing how I care

(©Brian Smith 8/24/2000)