To Find Time For Me

Her smile lingers
In a quiet room
Feeding acceptance
Giving to my need
A need for love
A love of caring

I find reasons
Small little reasons
To see her again
To hear her voice
To touch her hand?
To hold her close?

Studies of the past
Leading to today
A day of hope
A day of patience
Looking for time
Time already claimed

Claimed by need
Claimed by food
Claimed by clothing
Claimed by a car
I wait for her
To find time for me

Such history of trials
Such trials of history
Pains of rejection
Pains of moving again
Left for the street
Left in the shelter

To help provide
For her mental needs
Emotions exchanged
Feelings understood
Minds challenged
Bodies kept warm

I await the day
To spend time with her
And perhaps to realize
In a day of joy
That maybe just maybe
She needs me too

'Til that day,
I will share with her
Share of my life
Share of my joys
Share of my pains
Share of myself

(©Brian Smith 3/29/2000)