Fourteen days

Fourteen days
Until a fourteen hour drive.
Day by day, counting down
Day by day, anticipating.

One day after another
Droning onward.
Next day and the next
The 25th in mind.

25 of 3 of 99
14 of 352
12 of 50
23 of life

What's beyond
What's to come
What of love
What of life-long?

Fourteen days
Until seven weeks
In Poland and Ukraine
(And Amsterdam)

Fourteen days
Until a change of pace,
A change of view,
A change of place.

King's Kids discusses
My future plans.
England, Scotland
Will I level the sound?

I wait day by day,
Fourteen days,
To hear from them,
As to my summer.

Fourteen days
And several weeks
Or Washington?

(©Brian Smith 1999)